Monday, June 2, 2014

Hey y'all! Welcome to Life at Home with Jody! I am new to the world of blogging!

I am a stay at home wife, mom to two boys, step mom to two girls, and Mimi to three beautiful granddaughters (ages 3, 2, and 1).  My husband, Jeff, and I live in a small community just outside of Charlotte, NC.  He is a private contractor and is currently between the US and Afghanistan.  With him often out of the country, I've become quite the do-it-yourselfer (and have become quite handy with power tools!).
(Here is a not so recent picture of us....)

I also confess to being a Pinterest addict.  I love to create and recreate, whether it's building a new piece of furniture, refinishing an old piece, or trying a new recipe.   I enjoy all things home décor, cooking, gardening, entertaining, and traveling, as well as some fashion and beauty.  I am certainly no expert and definitely have fails, but I do enjoy trying!
With this blog, I hope to share some of my projects, home décor updates, recipes, and who knows what else.....
So please subscribe and follow me on this blogging journey! Check out the links to my Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter accounts!

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